How to make a successful company kick-off!

After the holidays, it's high season for kick-offs. And with the right planning, it can become a lifelong memory for your participants. Here, our marketing manager Bibi Rydbacken offers her best tips on how to organize a successful kickoff in Stockholm.

1. Have a clear purpose and objectives.
What should the end result be? Communicate it clearly to the participants so that everyone knows what is involved.

2. Choose the location, environment and setting carefully.
The location of the kick-off is important as it sets the tone and atmosphere of the kick-off. A change of scenery promotes creativity and getting away from the office allows you to relax, focus on the present and not have to think about what to cook for dinner.

3. Keep the meeting at a high level.
Involve the participants at an early stage. One-way communication in the form of a long powerpoint presentation by the manager does not make anyone happy. Engage the participants instead, for example by giving them a small task to prepare for the kick-off, such as a short oral presentation of something related to the purpose of the kick-off.

4. Choose activities carefully.
Choose activities that reflect the purpose and goals of the kickoff. If the purpose is for a group of employees to get to know each other, the activity should be some kind of teamwork exercise, such as Marholmen's Champions, or Boat Orientation. If the group is already close-knit, the activity can be more challenging, such as a problem-solving exercise like Escape Box.

Note! Keep in mind that all participants should be able to take part in the activity. So don't organize a half-day of rock climbing or rodeo riding if there are people in the group who have physical limitations or disabilities. Do not choose a quiz on Swedish pop songs as dinner entertainment if one of the employees did not grow up in Sweden.

5. Plan plenty of time in the agenda.
The intention is good, but often the agenda is quite tight at a kickoff or multi-day conference. Plan time in the agenda for participants to exercise, go to the spa, have a family get-together or just recharge their batteries alone or with colleagues for a while between the day's activities and dinner.

6. Follow up!
Finally, it is important to follow up on the kick-off to see if the purpose and goal of the kick-off was fulfilled. What can we do even better next year?

We hope these tips will help you plan a kickoff that will be a memory for life for your participants.
Contact us and we will help you plan your next kickoff here at Marholmen!